HomeAbout CompanyArrowNewsArrow[Poland] GUIDE TO GRANTS for thermal modernisation of buildings

[Poland] GUIDE TO GRANTS for thermal modernisation of buildings

Added on: 22.05.2023
We are happy to present to you our latest Klima-Therm publication, which discusses the currently available subsidy programmes for investments in Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

The Grant Guide is addressed, in particular, to individuals interested in the thermal modernisation of residential buildings, as well as customers seeking financial support for investments in renewable Energy Sources (RES), such as air-to-water heat pumps or photovoltaic installations, among others.

The publication serves as a practical guide to nationwide subsidy programmes from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), including the currently applicable subsidy levels, application deadlines or classification of devices meeting the conditions of individual programmes. The publication coherently explains the most important requirements and guidelines for the allocation of funds as well as the manner of submitting applications and the required documents.

The latest edition of the Guide prepared by Klima-Therm comprises six leading subsidy programmes: Clean Air (Czyste Powietrze), My Electricity 5.0 (Mój Prąd 5.0), Thermo-modernisation Tax Discount (Ulga Termomodernizacyjna), My Heat (Moje Ciepło), Warm Home (Ciepłe Mieszkanie) and Stop Smog.

The Grant Guide will be regularly updated in line with the binding decisions of authorities and institutions responsible for subsidising RES investments. The current version of the publication is available on klima-therm.com site at: https://www.klima-therm.com/pl/files/106/Poradnik_dotacji_KT.pdf 

We hope that our Guide will prove useful in obtaining grants and will help to strengthen public awareness of the importance and advantages of choosing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly heating and energy management solutions.

We hope you make good use of our Grant Guide!